5 Ways to Keep Your Office Hydrated and Happy - Cyntra in the City
Do you ever feel like you have a constant fuzzy head? Lack of concentration in meetings? Feel less productive but don’t know why? Nearly all of us are dehydrated and this is exacerbated more from being in the Office Environment. Coffee Breaks: Meetings: Catch up with Colleagues all generally lead to use picking up a mug of the hot java lava or breakfast tea. However, these habits could be the cause of your fuzzy head and general lack of productivity. 80% of people reading this article will be de-hydrated. That is a lot when you start to research how even being a little bit dehydrated can start to affect your overall performance. Losing as little as 1 or 2% of body weight in fluid can result in dehydration. Losing as little as 3 to 5% can negatively impact concentration, judgment, and reaction time. Losing 9 — 15% results in severe, life-threatening dehydration. 5 Ways to Keep Your Office Hydrated! Water Cooler: All offices should provide you with a water cooler and if they are not you need to approach your Managers. Providing basic filtered water is a must in all work environments. A glass of cool water can re-invigorate you and […]