Stress Free Style

5 Beautiful Uses of Coconut Oil

Waking up to the beautiful smell of Coconut is a dream I thought I would only have when I was travelling in Asia. The transient smell that enlighten your senses and transports you to the Sunshine times…


Well you can experience this joy every morning by bringing Coconut Oil into your daily routine. 

It can be quite daunting making the change to an all natural product as we are bombarded by so many products every day with all the perfect tag lines to draw us in. Coconut oil is a product that does far more than what one of these products can. It can be used in your morning eggs and your morning moisturising routine… now that is quite a product.

Here is a list of how I use this delightful product

1) Moisturiser – Coconut oil makes a fantastic moisturiser. Scoop a couple of table spoons out of a jar and keep it in your room. Pick a pea sized amount out of your pot and rub between the fingers which will cause it to melt – the lightly apply to skin. A little goes a long way to make you glow and save your so much money on moisturiser. Coconut oil has a natural SPF so you will also be protecting your skin from the harmful sun rays


2) Breakfast – Eggs, eggs and eggs – I think my partner in crime would be very confused if I cooked our breakfast any other way. A little scoops with scrambled or fried ignites the flavour and fills your body full of those healthy fats that will keep you fuller for longer (thus maintaining or losing weight) put those good fats for your skin, hair, nails and cells into your body. Coconut oil is a saturated fat and therefore can be cooked at higher temperatures unlike Olive Oil or other vegetable oils

3) Shower Time – To keep my skin soft and supple – when I finish in the shower I lather my skin with coconut oil to keep the moisture in and prevent any fine lines. You can also create a natural scrub for in the shower… Combine Coconut Oil, Coffee Granules and Sugar and your have a beautiful smelling morning scrub which then leaves your body with a gorgeous layer of coconut oil to sink in and do its work.

4) Make-Up Remover – Mascara is one of the hardest items of make to remove from skin without pulling your eyes in different directions which can lead to fine line and wrinkles. Coconut oil seems to effortlessly dissolve the mascara and allows your to gently pull the smudge away leaving you with a fresh eye for the day.


5) General Stain Remover – I know right! My boyfriend bought me some gorgeous lily’s which got left for two days over the weekend… Those pesky little brown pods from the middle had dropped and had stained my white dressing table. I tried wiping with a cloth but seemed to spread the stain. One evening I was taking my make up and had one of those…”what if I…” moments. I wiped my Organic Cotton Padsover the stain – which lifted up and out of the table with ease and grace. The list is just endless.


How do you use yours?

There are many stores that sell coconut oil… but for the best make sure it is raw pressed, extra virgin and of course organic.

I get my coconut oils from;

 Lucy Bee – A family run company

and Vita Coco Coconut Oil

Check them both out – let me know your uses

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