Stress Free Style

The Perfect Job Interview Style To Make A Good Impression | Style

Cyntra, Cyntra Charlesworth, Hard decisions

Over the past few months, lots of you have sadly lost your jobs and gone looking for new ones. Thankfully, your luck has changed, and you have a few interviews lined up. Whether these are virtual or in-person, you have one burning question: how do you dress for a job interview?

It’s all about making a good impression, showing your personality and making the best first memory possible.

Here are a few style tips that can give you an extra boost and help you make an excellent first impression:

Keep it neutral

Do your research – find out what the company culture is like. Use their socials: Instagram/ Facebook/ LinkedIn to get an understanding of what the company culture and dress code is like. Last thing you want to do is turn up in a suit when the interviewee is in a t-shirt and jeans. 

Instead, keep things very neutral and use your personality, not your look, to make that first impression.

Be careful with your accessories

Accessories can make or break your job interview outfit. If you wear loads of jewellery and have lots of accessories, it doesn’t look too great. They can be too much of a distraction, causing the interviewer to have a negative view of you. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear any accessories at all!

A pair of simple earrings can look very classy and elegant, making you look like a boss. If you look at, you’ll find loads of glasses that can perfect your look! Glasses give off an aura of intelligence, instantly making you seem more professional. Even if you don’t need them to see, you can get some without prescription lenses to complete your look. I also think that a nice watch will create a fantastic impression and solidify yourself as someone that means business.

 The Perfect Job Interview Style To Make A Good Impression

Wear comfortable shoes

If you’ve got a virtual interview, you can ignore this tip. It’s only relevant if your lower body is on show! A lot of women will wear high heels to interviews as a way of commanding a dominant presence. There’s no denying that you look and feel like a badass when you’re in heels. It makes you seem more impressive, particularly as you look a bit taller. However, my counterpoint is that heels are very uncomfortable and hard to walk in. If you haven’t mastered the art of walking in heels, it could lead to some embarrassing moments. You don’t want to hobble around or walk really slowly while you’re in the interview building. The people might think you look a bit strange and overly nervous. As such, they dismiss you as someone that can’t handle pressure, so won’t be fit for the job. 

Opt for trousers over a dress/skirt

Dresses and skirts can be smart and professional when worn correctly. However, there’s something about trousers that just gives off professional vibes. So, when a you rock up in a suit, people will take notice.

It’s a power move that shows them you are a professional woman that’s here to be taken seriously. These days, you can get some gorgeous fitted trousers and blazers that will hug your figure while still being appropriate for an interview. Don’t feel you have to look frumpy or be ill-fitted – there is something so chic about introducing this look into your style.

The Perfect Job Interview Style To Make A Good Impression

Wear a smile

Ok, this isn’t a piece of fashion advice, but it is worth paying attention to! Wearing a smile on your face is one of the easiest ways to make people like you. Smiling makes other people smile, which instantly triggers responses in their brain. It’s almost like you’re tricking someone into feeling happy. When they feel happy, they’ll obviously think of you in a positive manner.

Smiling also shows that you are excited about the opportunity and feel really relaxed. Everyone gets nervous during a job interview, but the trick is to mask these nerves and make it seem like you’re happy to be there. It will impress the interviewer as they’re expecting you to be stressed and anxious, but you don’t seem phased. It shows that you can handle tough situations – which they like!

Feel free to use all of these tips when dressing for your big job interviews. Don’t bother buying loads of different outfits for each interview; you can attend them all in the same one. Find an outfit that you feel comfortable in, and it will help you create an unforgettable first impression.


Colourful cups, art cups, patterns, Cyntra, Cyntra in the city, cyncity

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