
Exercises to Slim for Office Christmas Party!

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Christmas party season is well and truly in the throws! Drinks here, meals there and the after party.

So what is the trick to get ready for that little black dress?

Here are my tricks to slim down for the slinky black dress.

xmas party


It is all about nutrition to beat the bloat. Cut out white carbs, sugar, alcohol (unless at the party), reduce salt and UP THOSE VEGGIES.

The above can lead to that little bulge that pops out in the lower stomach… the dreaded bloat. By upping your veggies and reducing the list above you can wiggle straight into your dress and feel as confident as ever

8 minute abs

This video is my go to! You get results in days and you can really feel it working. 8 minutes before your morning shower is nothing! So get crunching

Eat more protein

Protein fills you up and doesn’t make you bloat. Make sure you don’t go hungry: load up with eggs in the morning, salad and protein at lunch and in the evening keep on track with lots of veggies and more protein.

Eating Out

Tis the season to be jolly after all. When eating out with friends make wise choices. You can’t really go wrong with asian especially Japanese. Stay away from sugar loaded cocktails and stick to champagne and prosecco.

If you do drink a little too much…don’t succumb to the late night munch – drink a pint of water and get yourself to bed



If you really want to look super strong, trim and lean – get those hiit sessions in. 3 times a week will really make the difference.

The Body Coach is my favourite. He is such an inspiration and really nice guy – so get in the know!


Sleep, sleep and sleep as much as possible. When you’re properly rested you make better decisions. It also helps with recovery for muscle building and keeping your stress levels down.

If in doubt – go and have a nap

Wishing you all the fun in this festive period

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