Since moving to the other side of the world, Podcasts have truly been my saviour! Informative, quirky, funny or educational – we are truly spoilt with what is to offer out there.
Podcasts have allowed me the opportunity to switch off from my environment but also lean in on topics, subjects and conversations that I’m interested in. From a mindfulness perspective, it can really help me take control on certain moments in the day by giving me the freedom to engage in what I am most interested in.
Feeling Unsettled
With time difference, distance and being far away from home; there are often moments when this unnerving feeling of being homesick. This is an ugly feeling. Being detached from my family and friends, which can really take over my brain, impacts my overall mental health for the day.
For other people, it could be a rough week at work, things are rocky in your relationship, you’re just having a sh*t morning or just having a bit of a low period. Feeling unsettled can be delivered in many forms.
It is quite normal to have these waves which can be felt by all of us for varying reasons.
It weird, but there is an absolute charm that can perk your mood which comes in the form of the familiar.
For example, ever had that moment when you make a new mate purely based on that fact you went to the same uni?
work in the same industry?
or even just wearing the same shoes?
It’s great – you have that little buzz of that feeling that lifts your spirits and makes you for that moment connected!
Podcasts are great for that very reason. Sometimes a familiar voice, a distraction or a subject area close to your heart can snap you out of a low feeling.
Here are my top podcast’s ATM!
Happy Place – Fearne Cotton
I grew up listening to Fearne Cotton on Radio 1 and watching her on various presenting shows. Her voice is so familiar it is almost like taking a step back in time to when I was growing up and being around my family.
Fearne’s style is calming and conversational and her guests truly touch on areas, which, I feel really open your minds and hearts to the every day mind and wellness issues we all face.
Her incredible guests discuss topics that you may have gone through yourself or can help give you anecdotal advice that you can weave into your own lives.
The podcast touches on many instances which affect us all. From the loss of loved ones, terminal illnesses and many more. She does give warnings at the beginning if the topics do get quite close to the bone – so listen out if you are affected for these warnings.
Would highly recommend especially if you need a little guidance and a pick me up.
The James Smith Podcast
I recently came across this guy, following a chat with a trainer I met in Sydney and had a glance at his page. Blunt, cheeky, foul-mouthed, educational and quite frankly addictive.
His quest is to challenge some of the bullsh*t in the fitness industry and candidly discuss topics linked to false statements, fads and offers up simple yet truthful alternatives to the latest ‘craze’.
Despite his controversial and polarising chats, he is endearing and informative and dare I say it…brings a cheeky grin to my face every time I have a listen. If you’re in a funk and feeling bombarded by the last fitness fad and misinformation – follow this podcast. I would also recommend signing up for his Famous Daily Email.
The Art of Charm
AJ and Johnny deliver meaningful podcasts with social skills ranging from habit making to online dating.
With a variety of discussions, toolkit building sessions and interviews with experts. Their podcast really helps give you bite sizeable tricks to help you develop social skills.
Their tool boxes give you handy tips and tricks to apply their topics to your own life. They have a plethora of different guests which are really refreshing for each podcast.
Really good for helping you improve soft skills, build confidence in inter personal relationship and social skills.
At times, their podcasts can be a bit lengthy, which makes them perfect for a longer commute or if you have a time to set aside.
Podcasts are a great way to unwind
Getting Help
I am no Doctor. When I refer to feeling low I am to my current mood not a continuous state. If you are seriously struggling or it goes on for more than a week – please make sure you speak to someone.
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