
Q&A with Symmetry Breakfast

This week I had the absolute privilege of meeting the founder, visionary and chef behind Symmetry Breakfast.

The inspirational Michael hosted a Q&A nestled on the 3rd floor of Soho House 76.

symmetry breakfast

As I have been an avid fan and borderline stalker of this account it was wonderful to meet the face behind the creation. Michael’s Q&A was brilliant; Open, honest, witty and insightful.

Naturally I turned up with a handful of questions… here is a sneak insight into the Q&A

How did Symmetry Breakfast first come about?

Symmetry Breakfast was born when Michaels partner Mark moved in with him. After re-arranging their apartment and gaining a new dining table (the table seen in the photos) Symmetry Breakfast came to life.


What was the first breakfast?

A plane meal (giggles all around the audience)

What was Michaels Inspiration?

With a Chinese and Scottish background – Michael grew up with Chinese food and Deep Fried Mars bars… Michael was fascinated with what other people know as normal? What is normal for people? Learning and discovering the traditions of where food comes from inspired him to create a new breakfast every single morning… with NO REPEATS

An original breakfast everyday for 685 days…How do you make sure you never repeat a breakfast?

Michael has a map which he uses to inspire all his breakfasts. He simply looks at the map to determine where his breakfast travels will take him. Discovering, researching and creating to bring us a Symmetrical Breakfast each morning.


What camera do you use?

Iphone 5s

(can you believe it!?!?!)

What winds you up the most?

Outright copying.

There is a difference between people being inspired by Symmetry Breakfast and those who simply copy.

Michael has a wonderful way with words and delightfully explained this “Imagine if someone copied what you wore to work everyday…but badly!”


Tips for creating a foodie blog: 

“remember its not a 40 hour week, it’s a 100 hour week! I am always thinking about food”

Don’t be a consumer – create

Go to every event – you must sell yourself, your personality, don’t be shy

Keep your personality alive

Love you community

Create your own events

Parting advice from Symmetry Breakfast…

If you give and give and give it will always come back to you”

Well that wraps up all the questions and answers I have for you. I really suggest you check out the instagram Symmetry Breakfast and also look out for the book which will be coming out shortly.

Behind the book Michael will be focusing on breakfasts from around the world educating us all to what people on this earth wake up to everyday.

I’ll update you when the book comes out in store!

(all breakfast photos are Symmetry Breakfast)

Couldnt find the map url for post id 1891

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