
Skinny Rebel Workout | Train Dirty London

London’s Toughest Workout?

Set in the Gym at the Conrad London St. James Hotel lies a workout that is not for the faint hearted.

I was invited by Dean (Director) to try out “Skinny Rebel Workout”. I strolled in with my gym kit ready without a thought that this could push me further than I have been pushed before in a workout.

Skinny Rebel Workout is Train Dirty’s signature high intensity, full body workout while wearing an altitude mask.

Wearing an altitude mask!?!
Yes you read that correctly… By wearing an altitude mask, the skinny rebel workout exposes the body to reduced oxygen levels.
With less oxygen available in the air and less oxygen therefore circulating in your blood, the body makeso captive changes as to how it uses oxygen as well as its available energy stores.
The main benefits are an increase in lung capacity, energy production, anaerobic threshold, mental focus as well as re-training the way you breathe during high intensity workouts.

This is extreme!

I began my workout with high hopes for my fitness level. That and I also thought I looked awesome in this gang style mask which was a cross between predator and some inner city motorbike organised crime gang!

Jokes aside…within minutes I was seeing the colour of my face change, by heart beat was racing, my head was light and “glowing” doesn’t quite describe the level of perspiration.

However, in true stubborn nature, I continued the workout. You are told at any point you are able to remove the mask but I wanted to see if I could do this… with or without Oxygen.

45 minutes and approximately 1000 calories down

I reached the end of my workout. There were times during it when I thought I could not continue. Everything was being challenged from my brain, co-ordination, muscles and breathing – it really engaged my whole body in way no other exercise I had tried before. The Personal Trainer encouraged me at every second pushing me when I needed the encouragement and providing the very needed countdowns to take me to the end of each circuit. At times I wanted it to end – but the positive vibes and the boosts motivated me to push through to the final 45 minutes.

Ending with sprints on the bike – the burn set in.

My body had been pushed, my fitness level questioned and my endorphins rushing! I had never experienced this kind of push before. I was exhilarated and exhausted both at the same time.

skinny rebel workout

So lets find out a bit more about the origins of Skinny Rebel Workout

Skinny Rebel Workout…. Where did the name come from?

We want women to rebel against being skinny and focus on being becoming strong and fit. So we decided Skinny Rebel.

How long have you been based in London?
We have been based in London around 5 years.

How long are the workouts?
45 Minutes!

What are you likely to expect from a session?
Full body, high intensity functional movements. Basically all the exercisers we avoid doing in the gym.

How many calories are you likely to burn?

Between 900/1000

Does SRW separate the Fit from the Skinny?
Absolutely our aim is to convert women from being skinny into being fit. We also want to make fit women even fitter and stronger by doing the SRW.

So there you have it. A workout that will smash through calories, while making you strong, lean, toned and fit! For 45 minutes you blitz through a 1000 calories and push your body harder. These sessions cost £40 for a single session or you can buy a 6 week training schedule that will help you reach your ultimate goal. For more information and prices check out their website Skinny Rebel Workout

Get in touch with the team and see if you have what it takes to be a skinny rebel

Please let me know if you try and what you thought!

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