
Today’s Clean Meal – Frozen Buttons

Ahh we all have those days when we crave a sweet treat! When the sun is out and our appetite isn’t quite there. Well over the weekend a little advert came on with a guide to making Frozen Yoghurt Buttons – well I couldn’t resist


Frozen Yoghurt (fruity flavours work best)

Strawberrys, blueberries or any other frui


You will need a baking tray and some parchment paper.

Once you have that choose which yoghurt you want and the fruit combo and make button sized shaped up the paper


Then select the fruit combos and place the fruit in the middle of the buttons. Leave some plain as these are wonderful to suck on 😀


Place in the freezer for about 15-20mins and voila – a tasty light and low calorie


Happy summer xxx

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