If you are like me and have a full-time job it can be hard to get to the gym before work (in the pitch black) or after work (in the pitch black) or you may not have a gym membership.
Don’t stress yourself too much about this comparing yourself to others. A stress-free lifestyle is about balance.
Here are my 5 tips to fat loss that require No Gym – Little Time – Maximum Results
Start your day with a Protein Shake
Many people do not have time for breakfast in the morning.
It’s understandable – with all the other things going on and getting up in the pitch black the first thing most people want to reach for is a hot cup of the good stuff.
9 times out of 10 – when you skip breakfast you play tricks on your blood sugar which can lead you to reach for crappy choices later on
If you start your day with a high-quality protein shake: you have hit your protein goal for breakfast, will feel fuller till lunch and will be helping yourself keep those energy levels high to tackle the new year!
My Protein Recommendations are:
Vega Essentials 
- Packed with fruits and veg, and full of greens
- High in 16 essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, B12 and calcium
- High in Omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed
- High in protein, made from a complete multisource plant-based blend of pea, flaxseed and hemp
Clean and Lean
£49.95 – Body Brilliance – I have this with some of their Ultimate Clean Fibre with Coconut Milk in the morning when I need a protein boost and want to get my extra fibre. It is really filling and tastes great.
20 Minute Home HIIT workout
Get up 20 minutes early – whack on your favourite radio station or playlist and just thrash it out.
It’s 20 minutes!
I have spent longer checking my Instagram feed in the morning so I have no excuses and neither do you!
Try DailyOm for the workout that suits you or YouTube is the perfect solution.
Walk to Work
Getting your 10,000 steps a day has never been so important in a society where we spend most of the day sat on our behinds.
This leads to poor posture, big bellies, flat bottoms and a whole host of other health problems
By getting your 10,000 steps – the weight will drop off you. Being continually active throughout the day keeps your body being an efficient burning machine.
Download Pacer App
Water – Hydration – Water
Really – do you really need to be told – drink water
It will transform every aspect of your life from letting go of toxins held in your body, letting your skin glow and look glorious, helping with water retention and not to mention the calories you will burn from those extra trips to the loo!
Take the stairs – 2 at a time
Right now you are probably thinking I am mad. Quite Possibly!
But… hear me out. If you make small changes every day to your routine you will start to see the difference.
Steps are incredible for your glute muscles. Taking the stairs helps increase blood flow and engage those muscles in your backside. When you take two steps at a time you are bringing together two gym moves which are fantastic for shaping that behind of yours.
You don’t need to be negative, drastic or restrictive to achieve your goals!
Remember to smile and make the little changes to see those big results!
Lead that Stress-Free Lifestyle you deserve
For More Articles on Stress-Free Fitness Click Here: Stress-Free Workout
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