Stress Free Style

Fall/Autumn in my Adidas ZX Flux Xeno

Back to life… back to reality!

Well not really but it is September and that means one thing for most of us… Summer is over and it is back to school, university and knuckling down for Financial Quarter 2 at work!

Now just because you are back to the grind you can start slacking on style!

Black is very much Back for this season! Yes yes yes I know I pretty much wear black all the time but this time I am funking it up with some sneaky flash style!

Black sneakers can often be a little bit boring… however… add some cool flash effect on the side and now you are talking my language!

I have been loving the new black sneaker range at Footlocker! In particular the Adidas ZX Flux Xeno range. The XENO transforms under bright direct lights, resulting in a exciting display of colour, not a million miles away from the sheen when light hits petroleum

   zeno 4

  There new ZX Flux range looks completely black to the naked eye – but once you shine a flash on it – the lines reflect right back at you!


It takes a normal sneaker and transforms it to an A/W15 must- have!

The ZX Flux black on black takes the reflector to a whole new level (below)


These are perfect for that unique look for any all black outfit. They are practical too if you fancy a late night run – as lights from cars will reflect off them!

Or if you are like me and are just sat taking thousands of picture lying upside down with your legs in the air with the lights off playing with the reflection…!


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