
Today’s Lent – Step it up and stopping the chocolate

Lent is the perfect time to start a new plan. Even if you’re not religious – it gives you a set time and date to work towards something or make some changes. Every year you will hear people doing it or you may have tried but failed… do not fear 2015 is your year. Get a buddy or a support network. Set yourself small challenges or little goals along the way. You can do it! You will also get to reap the benefits come Spring/ Summer!

This year I have challenged myself to two Lent Goals

1) 10,000 steps a day.

This is the minimum amount of moving we should be doing a day. I have thought about fun ways of getting these steps in so have been using Lauren Conrad to get those steps in.

lauren conrad

Try it out – its a sure fire way of making sure you are getting your body ready for summer.

Use HiiT, aerobics classes, powerwalking, walking to work with friends or even shopping to get those little steps in!

2) Giving up Chocolate

I know – CRAZY! I usually go vegetarian for Lent but seeing as most of my diet is made up of 90% plant based food – that was too easy. So I have set myself the challenge and here we go!

What are you doing for lent?

How are you sticking you too it?

Who is in your support network?

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