
Today’s Outfit – Running about town

220414 - black dress

Dress: American Apparel

Shoes: H&M

Bag: Longchamp

Ahhh so woken up this week and my head is firmly still on Easter holiday mode! Today is a busy day – back to work, off to an exhibition and have the gym this evening… oh yeah and I need to eat, breathe and sleep as well.

Work is full on at the moment so I needed an outfit which is smart comfortable and can transcend into evening wear – especially Shoreditch evening wear. The dress is knee length and cotton therefore the material is soft and suits all weather and is appropriate for all offices. I have paired this with some H&M wedges – the perfect shoe for having the elegance of a heel while keeping the ability to rush around the city.

In my Longchamp handbag I have put all my gym clothes in – a stylish way of being able to move from work to play to the gym without having to carry a Sports bag

I am off to the London Newcastle Oasis Exhibition – Chasing the Sun – I was a huge Oasis fan so looking forward to sneaking this in after work.

Tonight’s Workout: Chest and Arms for 40 minutes followed by 20 minutes of HIIT – training my brother and cousin tonight who are new to weights so should be quite a fun evening.

Have a wonderful week – and if you can head down to the exhibition – GO!

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