
Today’s London – The Lounge – Brixton

Brunch time! Brixton is my home and becoming an ever popular place to come for light bites, pop ups and new restaurants.

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Nicolas and I decided to visit The Lounge on Atlantic Road for Brunch. I had just done a gym session with my personal trainer on an empty stomach so was ready to mange!

To start I needed a cappucino and nicolas opted for this sweet little number – Mango, Orange and Strawberry smoothie – once the drinks had arrived we were ready to scan the menu

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Nicolas went straight in for the full english – which came with choice of eggs, optional extra hash brown and tea/americano. I went for poached eggs and bacon toastie. The bread ciabatta which was delicious. My eggs weren’t as runny as I like (but I am a poached egg snob 😀 )



As you can see we were both so hungry – we started before I got a chance to snap!

Finished off breakkie with another dose of caffeine and I was ready to rock!


The atmosphere was relaxed and chilled. The waitresses were attentive and regularly bought water and took additonal orders. Brixton is really becoming the new place to spend for brunches and weekend fun…if you head south definitely check this place out…

We had a bit of a food envy of the next table who had a chicken burger…perhaps a lunch time visit maybe in order!

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Price 4/5 Food 3/5 Atmosphere 4/5 Service 4/5 – great place for friends

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