
Healthy Office Snacks

Healthy snacks needn’t be boring!

There are plenty of healthy snacks out there. From the most natural being fruit and nuts to more inventive brands who have upped their game to take on the sugar power houses out there.

9bar healthy snacking

With lots of brands putting ‘healthy’ on their packet, because amongst the gazillion grams of sugar there is one almond kernel, it can be hard to find what is truly good for you.

Do not fear, when hunger strikes at work, don’t get stressed – just snack wisely.

Colour up your snacking with these little perfect picks that are lower in calories and far more nutritious.

Hippeas – tasty alternative to crisps

Hippeas !!! These little tasty powerhouses are organic, high in fibre, a source of Protein, Gluten Free, Vegan and with no additives or Preservatives.

hippeas chickpea crisps healthy snacks

Emily Fruit & Veg Crisps

Tasty, crunchy and a really cool start up – these little healthy crisps are ones to try.

They come in fruit and vegetable so depending on whether you fancy something sweet or savoury – take your pick.

The pineapple ones are delicious and the sweet potato and beetroot are one of the best versions of vegetable crisps out there.

They pride themselves on being fun and healthy – taking the stress out snacking for you.

Emilys Crisps

Pip & Nut

Need I say more. If you haven’t tried Pip & Nut – GET INVOLVED!

On apple slices, on toast or (my personal favourite) on a spoon. It is delicious, nutritious and comes in a variety of flavours. Pip is really taking the nut butter industry by storm and really providing a tasty and innovative flavours to go with.

p.s. she also makes incredible nut milks (almond + coconut is my current fav)

pip and nut

Ugly – for those who need the fizz

Some people like fizzy drinks, I get that, but please please PLEASE do not drink DIET anything. As far as I am concerned they are a chemical shizz storm.

If you are gonna fizz… choose UGLY. No sugar, no sweetener & nothing artificial.

Ugly Drinks

 For More Stress-Free Nourishing Recipes Click Here: Nourish

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