
Today’s Workout – Losing Pounds and Earning ££££

Living in London, like in most big cities, the commute to work can be an absolute nightmare…


You put thousands of people who have just woken up, probably not had a morning coffee, a bit irritated and most likely didn’t get the best night sleep and you shove them on to a small metal contraption with their head under an armpit breathing in the next persons – morning breath!

I decided to start power walking to work the beginning of 2013 – and it has changed my morning routine to a positive wake up – rather than the general ballache that is the commute!

My office is 3.6 miles away. I wrap up nice and warm (its about 3c here) in my parka and headband! (I have put some links to websites for the perfect parka) It is super cold here at the moment so ear protection is a must! I also put on sunglasses as no glamour puss is complete without her morning shades – this also allows me to wake up! I would be lying if I said I was a morning person – hence why claustrophobic, sweaty and angry tube situations are not my forte 😉


I whack on my Reebok easy tones and I’m ready to hit the road!Reebok_EasyTone

Reebok easy tones are ever so slightly unstable which helps improve your core. They feature Moving Air Technology that helps strengthen and tone key muscles in the legs by creating micro instabilities.

Everyday I get to walk over Millennium Bridge – that has the most fantastic view of St. Paul’s Cathedral and the view up and down the Thames. I get a feeling of well being, endorphin’s and also get a couple of minutes to breath in the fresh wind along the Thames and take in the world around me.7

Finally, the Cherry on my Power Walking Cake… Since January I have lost 7 pounds but save approximately £5 a day!

Gone are the days when I didn’t have enough time to get in cardio everyday! Plus making a saving of £25 a week – £100 a month!

To me – it’s a win=win situation!


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