
Today’s Clean Meal: Healthy Vietnamese – Saigon Lotus

Another day in Manchester and another quest for Healthy food.

I had a bit of a big night this week after celebrating a friends birthday and only slipping in 5 hours sleep on a school night! By the time it got to the end of the day I was on the hunt for something homely, nutritious and light. My aim was to get delivery and indulge in my hotel room comforts for the evening.

That was until I discovered Saigon Lotus


I walked through the Northern Quarter and up to Oldham Road where I discovered this small little family run restaurant.


The insides were humble and I was greeted by a small but welcoming host who asked how she could help. I was going to continue with my path to pillow and get take out but there was something so homely and cute that I decided I would stay and eat in.


The restaurant prides itself of being a family run establishment providing the healthiest and freshest home cooked Vietnamese food to the heart of Manchester


I read through the menu checking out all the delicious offerings from Vietnamese Salads to the traditional Pho

I settled on Prawn Summer Rolls and Chicken Pho.

Phở, (pronounced fuh) is one of the healthiest and most delicious Vietnamese dishes eaten every day by the Vietnamese for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Pho is a fresh, nutritious & tasty broth-based noodle soup. The dish is served with a side plate of fresh herbs, sliced-up chillies and lime wedges. The best part is that you can customize your Pho to what you desire to suit your taste.


My Summer Rolls arrived – so fresh and low in calorie. I was taking delight in text-ing a friend who was also out at the birthday bash who was feeling a bit worse for wear. The thought of this bowl of health that was about to arrive was making me feel rather smug in my quest for health.


The Pho arrived and it looked and smelt beautiful


I added my fresh veg and some added chilli to give it a kick. Chillies despite their infamous reputation of adding heat to a meal – have a plethora of health benefits from lowering LDL, high in vitamin C, A and B and high in a number of minerals

I left Saigon Lotus with a belly full of goodness and a smile on my face. I would definitely recommend for dining on your own, with a partner or out with friends.

Definitely a 5 star for service, taste and ambience.


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