
Today’s Workout – Walking to work

As Autumn descends and the nights are getting darker, we naturally feel the inclination to hibernate. Our instinct tells us to start preparing for the winter and our motivation to be outdoors starts to diminish. This may also have a significant impact on our motivation to get up early and go to the gym or pop out in the evening after work for some exercise.


This October I am challenging myself walk to work to combat my urge to remain in my duvet all the hours not in work.

Walking is proven to be the most effective form of gentle exercise the body can do which means you will not be shattered when you get to work but you are still burning those calories lost in the hours in the gym. Walking doesn’t require any fancy gym clothes – all you need is a decent pair of trainers and hat and some gloves… oh and a few tunes to keep the beat.

Walking burns on average around 250 calories in 3 miles – which is about 45-60 minute walk depending on your speed. It tones your muscles especially in the areas us girls like – the butt and the thighs and keeps your heart healthy.Powerwalking vs pyjamas

We are creatures of comfort – so use the Autumn season to your advantage and keep active in the run up to Christmas


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