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Holistic Nourishment + Recipes

Nourishing your body should be approached holistically. From delicious recipes, healthy supplements and everything in between – I share my Simple, Quick, Healthy and Delicious recipes for all to enjoy.

Perfect recipes for busy to people to maintain their goals while saving time.\


I believe in having a well-rounded diet but sometimes our busy lives get in the way. I have shared my favourite supplements to support a healthy and balanced diet.

I don’t follow a particular diet – I eat what feels good for me. Take what you like and if it’s not for you do not worry – variety is the spice of life.


Review: Press London Juice Cleanse

Press London Juice

Every now and again life can come a little unbalanced.

Late nights, too much coffee, client lunches and general burning the candle at both ends can often leave your body like it needs a reboot.

Following the Christmas Festivities, I was starting to feel a little unbalanced and therefore decided to try a juice cleanse to feel more alkalised.

I decided to do Press London 3 day Juice Cleanse and diary the ups and downs for y’all so you know what to expect before you begin!

Continue reading my detox diary…

Before you start:

  1. Read the booklet about the Juice Cleanse
  2. Come off coffee and other stimulants
  3. Eat lightly – try to have no big heavy meals
  4. Plan your week to avoid dinners out
  5. Plan your work week to avoid breakfast/ lunch meetings
  6. Practise yoga – no heavy exertion

Press London Juice Cleanse

Day One

The juices arrived in a cooler box ready to go! I would recommend getting the delivery when you’re at home or somewhere you can immediately store the juices to keep them fresh.

Clearly labelled with the order that you need to take the juices – it could not be easier to start!

There is a guide sent to you to get you prepared prior to the cleanse – I would highly recommend sticking to this as it really does help you set up ahead of the cleanse.


  • Enough juices that you do not feel hungry
  • Lots of flavour variation and incredible flavours to enjoy
  • Beautifully packaged and the colours are incredible

Press Juice Cleanse CynCity Cyntra


  • You need to forget about meal times which can be hard especially if you work in an office where there is lots of food around. Try and keep yourself distracted and go for a walk when you know there may be temptation
  • You feel cold – it’s an odd sensation but I felt really chilly
  • ATTENTION: Read the booklet prior to starting day one. Otherwise, the coffee withdrawal catches you out!

Day Two

Day two began and it felt calmer knowing what to expect. You know what the juices taste like and you can start to plan when best to have the different juices and mylks to suit your day.


  • You will start to feel less bloated
  • Leaves more time to focus on other things
  • A natural sense of feeling lighter
  • You feel sleepier in the evenings

Press Juice Cleanse CynCity Cyntra


  • Caffeine – this part really sucks – the caffeine withdrawal is bad and this is why I cannot stress enough to wean yourself off prior to the cleanse
  • Saying no to friends and events
  • No gymming

Day Three

By day three you will be really in the swing of things. Your stomach would have shrunk and the benefits of no bloating will be noticeable to you.

There is a sense of pride as well knowing you have stuck to the challenge.

This is the day I would say it would be wise to look at the post cleanse instructions which give you advice on how to re-introduce foods back into your diet to help maintain your new alkalised state.


  • No hunger pangs – your body really gets used to it quickly
  • There is a sense of achievement which makes you feel great about sticking to something

Press Juice Cleanse CynCity Cyntra


  • None by day three – you really do feel like you’re winning!

Top Tricks

Also discovering incredible ways to ‘juice’ up the cleanse…

Top tricks:

  • if you have a Nespresso milk frother or hand held gizmo… set it on the cold milk and froth up your nut mylks! Oh my game change
  • Add ice to the juices
  • Add some accessories… a little cocktail umbrella… why not!
  • If you can get to a sauna and steam – do it! Help cleanse yourself from the inside out – you will be positively glowing

Press Juice Cleanse CynCity Cyntra


Also, there will be people who want to sabotage you… the people who make comments…

‘Oh you’re not eating’

‘Oh go on it’s only vodka’

‘Life is for living’

And all that jazz

Just remember you’re doing this for you. To reset. To re-alkalise. To re energise. Quite frankly what you do has nothing to do with anybody so keep calm and stay positive.

Juice Cleanse

This part is almost as important that sticking to it

Go veggie to start: light soups, salads and keep it easy. Your tummy has been hibernating to don’t scare it back into action

  • this is your time to start with new lifestyle changes – so maybe lay off sugars, alcohol, creams and fried food
  • Enjoy that post cleanse glow
  • Treat yourself / you’ve earnt it

Press London Juice Cleanse


Review: Saffron Soul Healthy Indian Cuisine

Saffron-Soul-Mira-ManekMira Manek

I am more than excited to announce the book launch of Mira Manek  Saffron Soul: Healthy, vegetarian heritage recipes from India

Mira Manek is the Indian cuisine equivalent of Deliciously Ella. Her recipes are light, flavourful, exquisite and did I mention absolutely mouthwatering. She hosts yoga events, supper clubs and bespoke Indian feasts to show how tasty and healthy the world of Indian inspired cooking can be.

Her recipes change traditional views that Indian food is based on heavy curries and introduces a world of flavours that many of us have yet to explore.

I am excited to take this next voyage of discovery…!

Healthy Indian Cuisine

I met Mira two years ago after I attended a delicious feast which she hosted at Shoreditch House. The spread was incredible… if you don’t believe me read this! 

The variety of flavours and ingredients filling the table were incredible. From chickpea flour pancakes with coriander chutney and chilli beet to Divine Mocha Cake with Nutmeg & Mocha Cashew Frosting, Raw Mocha Flapjacks with Nutmeg, and Almond Cocktails. Nutritious and delicious.

The main event for me though was the Saffron and Cardamon Cheesecake

Now can you see why I have been eagerly awaiting this launch!

Where to buy

If you are looking to buy this for yourself or to share with others then you can find it here!




Peanut Butter Cups

Peanut Butter Cups

Another little stress-free treat from me to you. This delicious recipe was inspired by the incredible Joe Wicks from The Body Coach.

Its the perfect weekend indulgence that is full of protein and great after a hard slog in the gym.

Really simple to make and incredibly tasty.

Peanut Butter Cups


Mixed Nuts
Protein Powder (I used That Protein)
Cacao Powder
Coconut Oil
Natural Peanut Butter
90% Dark Chocolate


Blitz all the ingredients except the peanut butter and chocolate in a food processor.

Heat your oven to 150c

Grab a cupcake tin and grease the bottoms

Spoon a nice dollop of all the mixture into each cup

Then add a nice layer of Peanut Butter

Place in oven for 10 minutes – then remove from oven

Melt the dark chocolate and drizzle over the top

Voila – delicious and nutritious

Peanut Butter Cups

These Little Cups are Perfect to Take to Work!

If you store in an air-tight container in a cool dry place these should last a few days. Take them to work in Tupperware and enjoy a little treat when you need.

For More Stress-Free Nourishing Recipes Click Here: Nourish


Healthy Office Snacks

Healthy snacks needn’t be boring!

There are plenty of healthy snacks out there. From the most natural being fruit and nuts to more inventive brands who have upped their game to take on the sugar power houses out there.

9bar healthy snacking

With lots of brands putting ‘healthy’ on their packet, because amongst the gazillion grams of sugar there is one almond kernel, it can be hard to find what is truly good for you.

Do not fear, when hunger strikes at work, don’t get stressed – just snack wisely.

Colour up your snacking with these little perfect picks that are lower in calories and far more nutritious.

Hippeas – tasty alternative to crisps

Hippeas !!! These little tasty powerhouses are organic, high in fibre, a source of Protein, Gluten Free, Vegan and with no additives or Preservatives.

hippeas chickpea crisps healthy snacks

Emily Fruit & Veg Crisps

Tasty, crunchy and a really cool start up – these little healthy crisps are ones to try.

They come in fruit and vegetable so depending on whether you fancy something sweet or savoury – take your pick.

The pineapple ones are delicious and the sweet potato and beetroot are one of the best versions of vegetable crisps out there.

They pride themselves on being fun and healthy – taking the stress out snacking for you.

Emilys Crisps

Pip & Nut

Need I say more. If you haven’t tried Pip & Nut – GET INVOLVED!

On apple slices, on toast or (my personal favourite) on a spoon. It is delicious, nutritious and comes in a variety of flavours. Pip is really taking the nut butter industry by storm and really providing a tasty and innovative flavours to go with.

p.s. she also makes incredible nut milks (almond + coconut is my current fav)

pip and nut

Ugly – for those who need the fizz

Some people like fizzy drinks, I get that, but please please PLEASE do not drink DIET anything. As far as I am concerned they are a chemical shizz storm.

If you are gonna fizz… choose UGLY. No sugar, no sweetener & nothing artificial.

Ugly Drinks

 For More Stress-Free Nourishing Recipes Click Here: Nourish


Pumpkin and Chia Seed Protein Porridge

 That Protein

Let me introduce That Protein

Natural and organic, cold pressed and pure. Never processed by heat over 40 degrees. 

Dairy free, no added sugars, non-GMO, no sweeteners, free from anything artificial – this is the range you have been waiting for! Developed by nutritionists with a true passion for plants and how to get the best from them to help you look and feel your amazing best!

Its perfect to combine into your daily life to hit those protein goals to build lean muscle, have luscious hair and keep yourself fuller for longer!

That protein 2

I literally could not have been more excited when my pouch came through the letterbox. Pumpkin seed and chia protein powder tick…

To have vegan, organic and supernatural protein powder is always the best option.

My brain started racing and the internal recipe maker switched on… what can I create to make this powder pop!

The below recipe is gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian…(sounds like dust!)… seriously it is beyond tasty!

Pumpkin and Chia Seed Protein Porridge

That Protein


That Protein I heart Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder: 1 scoop

Sprouted Oats: 1 Cup

Coconut Milk: 3/4 Cup

Water: 1/4 Cup

Toppings of your choice


Put all the contents (except the toppings) in a pan and put on low heat

Gently stir until consistency is how you like your porridge

Serve and add your toppings… I went for blueberries and honey – simple and delicious.

If you don’t have time to eat this before work – package up in some Tupperware and take with you to work.

Splash a bit of water on the top and microwave at work

That Protein

For More Stress-Free Recipes Click Here: Nourish


Ras El Hanout Chicken Wraps

This World is full of amazing Recipes waiting to be discovered

The cultures, the knowledge, the old wives tales… there is a wealth of discovery awaiting us! I love cooking dishes from all over this beautiful planet. Drawing inspiration from flavours, colours and ingredients not found in my own lands. Over the years I have accumulated quite a few Clean Eating and Worldly Cookery Books.

One of my favourites at the moment has to be Persiana by Sabrina Ghayour.

A British-Iranian, her book invites you to discover the flavours of the middle east and incorporate those in your daily cooking. From Salads to Mezze, Stews to Grills and rounding up with delicious desserts; Sabrina captures the flavours that will entice the palette without piling on the calories. Add this beautiful book to your collection – you will not regret it.

Ras El Hanout Chicken Wraps 

Ease: Medium

Storage: 1 day

Transport: Tupperware for lunch


Ingredients: (for two people)

3 large chicken breasts, chunkier side cut & spread out to even out size for cooking
2 heaped tablespoons of Ras el Hanout spice (Can be found in most spice isles but I made my own using…

  • 2½ tbsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 2 tsp black peppercorns
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • ½ tsp cardamom pod (seeds from about 10 pods)

Olive oil
Pomegranate molasses
Rocket/lettuce leaves to garnish
4-6 flour tortilla wraps – (I use gluten free wraps from Wholefoods) 
Maldon sea salt
Pomegranate seeds


Ingredients for yoghurt sauce:
400g Total full-fat Greek yoghurt
1 small bunch of fresh mint
2 tablespoons of sumac
Maldon sea salt


1. In a small bowl, mix the Ras el Hanout (or homemade) spice mix with approximately 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil to create a quick paste and smear the paste over the chicken breasts, ensuring they are well coated.IMG_6954

Season each piece with just a pinch of Maldon sea salt and if you have time, allow to marinate for as long as needed (overnight being the maximum).

2. Finely chop the fresh mint and add it into a bowl along with the yoghurt, sumac and a generous pinch of Maldon sea salt and some black pepper and mix well until the sumac and mint are evenly incorporated.

3. Preheat a large frying pan over a medium flame and then drizzle a good amount of olive oil and add the chicken breasts in and fry them for about 8-10 minutes or so on one side and 6-8 minutes on the other side. You can check cooking progress of the flesh by prodding the fattest part of the chicken strips with your finger. If it feels very springy then it needs to cook a bit longer, but if it feels firm, then your chicken is cooked and ready to serve.

4. Place your cooked chicken on a chopping board and allow to rest for a few minutes so the juices can flow back through the meat, ensuring it remains moist and tender. Then slice the chicken up into strips and put a few generous strips into a tortilla wrap, dollop some of the yoghurt onto the chicken and then drizzle with some pomegranate molasses and add in some rocket or lettuce leaves of your choice and serve.

It is such a tasty, clean and filling lunch, snack or dinner. Mix up some lemon quinoa or a salad and you have the perfect meal.

For More Stress-Free Nourishing Recipes Click Here: Nourish





Easy Cream of Asparagus Soup

  Cream of Asparagus Soup

Asparagus Soup

Asparagus is a treasure trove of vitamin k, which your body needs to bolster bone strength and regulate blood clotting. The carotenoids found in asparagus make for its pretty green hue and double as anti-inflammatory compounds. Asparagus can also claim high levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that guards against cell damage from intense exercise and everyday living. 

Cream of Asparagus Soup

To make this delicious and nutritious soup you will need:

  • Half an onion
  • Bunch of Asparagus
  • Pint of Vegetable Stock

Cream of Asparagus Soup

This Asparagus Soup recipe is healthful and low calorie but filling all at the same time.

  1. First, chop the onion and sizzle till soft.
  2. Grill the asparagus to with a little salt a pepper to bring out that beautiful flavour.
  3. When soft and slightly charred chop and add to onion
  4. Add Stock, bring to boil, then simmer until all is tender
  5. Whizz


Cream of Asparagus Soup

There is no cream added as the asparagus soup does this all by itself


• Calories: 74

• Protein: 6g

• Carbs: 7g

• Fat: 3g

• Fiber: 3g

For More Stress-Free Healthful Recipes Click Here: Nourish

Balance/ Recipes

Pip The Queen of the Nut Butters | Selfridges

Pip and Nut

Peanut Butter

For many years Peanut Butter has been one of those condiments that came out at breakfast. Usually a weird camel colour and an ingredient list that went on for miles. Used predominantly on toast – it was just another kitchen cupboard lurker in between the marmalade and jam.

Then came the PB and Jelly phase – many of which us Brits found confusing until we realised that Jelly was Jam – something that the more adventurous people would go to this side of the Atlantic!

Roll on to 2017, Nut butter is now becoming a superfood! Smear it on celery, dip in your apples or enjoy a dollop on a spoon – the ideas have been growing each year for more innovative ways to use these nuts.

Nut butter used to have a bad rep – loaded with chemicals and palm oil – until Pip Murray entered the scene!

Pip and Nut Cook Book

The Nut Butter Cook Book

Pip Murray and Pip and Nut came on to the scene in 2015. Fuelled with her ideas from her marathon running days, Pip created a unique, fun and original set of nut butter’s, which have been growing in popularity.

Intertwining ingredients and introducing new flavours, you will find an array of choice from Limited Edition Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter (personal fav!) to delicious Coconut Almond Butter.

Not only has she brought flair and originality, Pip has now opened the world to a variety of new dishes to use these butter rather than just being relegated to a slice of toast! In her new cookbook, Pip shares a number of recipes including:

  • Coco-Nutty Banana Pancakes and Cashew
  • Blackberry and Pear Porridge
  • Peanut Soba Noodle Salad
  • Vegan Almond Fudge
  • Baked Peanut Butter and Raspberry Cheesecake

As nuts can be used across a variety of cuisines, the range provides you with a pot of flavour that can be mixed into a variety of dishes from sweet to savoury.

Vegan-friendly, environmentally friendly and sustainable – making this the ultimate cookbook for people looking to give a healthy, protein-fuelled boost to their diet.

Fruit Peanut Butter Pip and Nut pip and nut recipe book

Selfridges Pop-Up Nut Bar

Want to try some of the delicious recipes straight out of the book? Head over to Selfridges Food Hall to try!

With flavours ranging from Almond, avocado and spiced seeds to Peanut, chilli, lime and coriander you will be left wanting more! (see picture)

Available until February 12th, I would head down before the Nut bar hits the road! In the mean

In the mean time you can grab Pip’s book from a number of places including here for any of you who cannot make it.

Nut Butter Pip and Nut Peanut Chilli Coriander Lime Nut Butter Pip and Nut Cookbook

 Buy the Cookbook


Easy Vegan Granola | Pecans Coconut Dates

Easy Vegan Granola

Easy Vegan Granola

Who doesn’t love granola! Crunchy, tasty and super flexible in the flavour combinations – its makes the perfect breakfast and snack!

HOWEVER, most store bought granolas or cafe bought granolas are in fact NOT VEGAN as they are made with honey –  a revelation indeed.

Therefore, I started to play with different syrups and oils to find the perfect combination for a crunchy taste sensation with no animal by-products! This recipe for easy Vegan Granola is perfect for any occasion.

Keep reading…

Easy Vegan Granola


Maple Syrup Granola

Naturally, the first sugar I started to use was Maple Syrup. Delicious and full of health benefits, maple syrup makes the perfect substitute to honey, however, it comes at a price. Most good maple syrups are in the range of £7.99 a bottle – and you use almost half a bottle at a time – which means the overall price of the granola can come in about £10-12 (with all the nuts and seeds).

If you do choose Maple Syrup, I like to choose a grade B and make sure you get the real deal. Like with all syrups – companies realise they can make more money by substituting quality with a lower class mix.

Granola with Date Syrup

I started to look for alternatives and then discovered an unopened bottle of Beloved Date Syrup. Costing £3 a bottle from supermarkets and also a natural vegan sugar this was naturally my next choice for the sugar source in my granola.

Easy Vegan Granola

What oil is best for Granola?

The next part of the granola I started to test out was the oil. Did I want Coconut? Rapeseed? Argan?

The oil needs to be able to withstand 150-160c heat. I skipped with the rapeseed and tried two granolas: one with coconut and one with argan.

The blend with argan (I used arganic) and maple syrup was incredible – almost too naughty but the final product was delicious. Coconut and date syrup was delicious also, deeper in colour and flavour, it gave an alternative change when one type gets monotonous.

How to make Granola

Right, the next bit is easy! Preheat your oven to 150-160c. Grab a bowl for your dry ingredients, measuring cups, an electric whisk and long tray covered with parchment paper for baking. Easy Vegan Granola should take only 40-45minutes total of your time!

Easy Vegan Granola


  • 3 cups old fashioned oats
  • 3/4 cup pecans roughly chopped
  • 3/4 cup other nuts roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup of melted coconut oil or cold-pressed argan oil
  • 3.4 cup maple or date syrup

Now to make it your own: (any of the below)

  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut
  • 1/2 cup sultanas
  • 1/4 cup of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)
  • 1/4 cup of chopped dates


  1. Mix all dry goods in a bowl. Set aside.
  2. Whisk together the oil, syrup and vanilla. Whisk until completely blended and smooth.
  3. Pour the wet mixture over the oat mixture and stir until fully combined.
  4. Spread the mixture evenly onto the parchment paper on the baking tray. It should be a very thin layer in order it gets evenly cooked.
  5. Bake in the oven, check every ten minutes and stir – try to avoid breaking up the clusters.
  6. When golden, remove from oven and leave on the side to completely cool. The trick here is not to cook it until crunchy, as it gets harder when it meets the cold air.
  7. Once completely cool – store in an air tight glass jar.

Easy Vegan Granola

The perfect crunchy granola

Voila! Enjoy with your favourite alternative milk or simply on its own! My favourite at the moment is Rude Health Hazlenut milk! Easy Vegan Granola anytime of the day!

Balance/ Recipes

5 Easy Ways to Get Sun Kissed Skin While Stuck in the Office

The sun is shining outside as we enter into August. Now unless you have kids and firmly in the middle of school holidays… many of us will be gazing out the window longing for our lunch breaks to get a few minutes in the sun. Well I am going to share with you some of my little tricks for getting that Sun Kissed Glow on your skin without having to put in the hours outside.

1) Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out.

To get radiant beautiful skin you need to make sure you are supplying your body with all the vitamins and anti-oxidants it needs to glow. My little trick for getting all the good stuff in me with none of the hassle is to pick up some Pack’d Smoothies and throw the ingredients in the blender to get a tasty smoothie with minimum faff and maximum impact.

When your skin is nourished you naturally glow.

2) Scrub, Scrub and Scrub

To get that beautiful baby soft skin that looks stunning in a summer dress you need to start buffing your beautiful skin with a body scrub. My favourite is a home recipe and if you love coffee your are going to like this:

Coffee Sugar Scrub:

  • ¾ cup solid organic virgin coconut oil
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 cup dry ground coffee

Use the whisk attachment on your mixer to blend sugar and coffee grounds together – about 2 minutes until it’s fluffy. Then add ¾ cup solid coconut oil and whip mixture together for another 1-2 minutes. Press down in a tupperware or kilner jar.

You now have a beautiful and natural scrub which used in the morning will bring that great smell of freshly made coffee straight to your shower.

3) Get Organically Tanned

I love having a tan! It makes everyone just look that extra bit healthier. However the sun rays can be harmful to your skin. Even more harmful when the only time you have to top up is at lunch time when the rays are most harmful. My little trick is to use Tan Organic. It is by far the most natural looking (and smelling) tanning lotion I have ever come across. The results give you that natural sun kissed look which makes you feel that extra freedom when wearing a dress and showing off your pins.

As its naturally certified you know it isnt harbouring any nasties.

Get Organic with your Skin – both inside and out.

4) Hydrate

Everyone looks better when hydrated.

You eyes sparkle, your skin glows and your energy improves.

In Summer you naturally lose more water from hot commutes and general rise in temperature. For this reason you need to make sure you stay hydrated.

Jazz up your daily water by adding strips of cucumber or slices of strawberry.

Detox your water by adding some lemon and cayenne

Ice up your water for that extra coolness.

Whatever way you like it just make sure you are getting plenty of it.

5) Top Up on Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Turmeric has been known to contain numerous antioxidants as well as antibacterial properties. Giving you amazing benefits for your skin, hair and health. Rachel Nazarian, M.D., at Schweiger Dermatology Group. “Studies have also shown that ingestion of turmeric helps protect against the aging effects of sun-damage UV radiation and the formation of wrinkles and dark spots.”

Whether you sip it in a beautiful tea like Pukka Tumeric Gold Tea Bags, supplement it in a capsule Pukka Tumeric LifeKind or incorporate it in your cooking using delicious spiced from Wunder Workshop Golden Turmeric Powder get this beautiful spice into your skin to have gorgeous, glowing and protected skin.

Below is a recipe for my favourite way to cook with Turmeric:


  • 2 medium organic butternut squash
  • 7 cloves organic garlic, chopped
  • 6 inches fresh ginger, grated or finely chopped
  • 6 medium organic onions
  • 2.2 – 2½ litres homemade chicken bone broth
  • 500g organic red split lentils
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 bar organic creamed coconut
  • 2 tsp or more turmeric
  • Organic baby spinach (you can also use cabbage/seasonal greens) sliced
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 small limes or 1½ large lemons, juiced
  • 150g (or 4 large handfuls) fresh coriander, washed well

1. Peel the squash and dice into 1 inch chunks

2. Place the garlic, onion, ginger and squash into the pan with the creamed coconut and cover with just over 2 litres (8 cups) of water or homemade bone broth

3. Put the lid on and bring to a medium simmer.

4. 10 minutes later, add the red lentils, black pepper, turmeric and chilli if using, stir and let simmer on medium for a further 15-20 minutes until the lentils are soft and the squash is tender. You might wish to add the extra 200ml (1 cup) of water during cooking – it depends if you like your stew thicker or thinner.

5. In the last few minutes, add the sliced cabbage/greens and stir through. If using spinach, just add when you turn off the heat so it wilts

6. Turn off the heat, add the sea salt and pepper, the juice of the lime or lemon and check for seasoning and consistency – it should be like a thick stew – add more water if needs be.

7. Stir through the roughly chopped coriander and ladle into shallow bowls to serve.

There you have it. My top tips to glow this Summer without all the extra heat and hassle. What are your tips for sun-kissed skin? Any family tried and tested tricks? Please share with me below!

Recipes/ Stress Free Style

Eat Pizza and still look like a Victoria Secret Model?

One of those days when only a big slice of cheesy pizza will let go the pressure of the RatRace?
Then you remembered that this weeks goal was to lose half your body weight and look like a Victoria Secret Model?

Well check out this little recipe to hit both goals in a tasty delicious slice.

Gluten Free Pizza

Pizza – one of the best exports from Italy. Comforting, tasty and the ultimate indulgence – there is never a dull moment with Pizza involved. Unfortunately I am allergic to wheat which kind of puts a dent in my pizza escapades until I discovered this tasty recipe. Its perfect if you’re making it for flatmates or boyfriends who may be a little bit adverse to the healthy way of life. All round belly pleaser.

Simple and easy to make after a long day in the office. You can let go of the stresses of the day while tucking into some comfort food. Bring the flavours of Italia right to your home.




2 1/2 cups cauliflower, grated (about 1/2 a large head)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 1/4 cups shredded light mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
Salt  and freshly ground black pepper


1/4 cup tomato sauce/ paste
Mozzarella cheese
Fresh Basil
Chilli flakes
Olive oil


Preheat oven to 220c

Find a pizza slate or a baking tray and line with parchment paper

Grate the cauliflower using a box grater until you have two cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and microwave for seven to eight minutes, or until soft.

Remove from the microwave and let cool.

Strain through a dish cloth by putting all the mixture inside a clean cloth and squeezing out the excess water

Mix in the egg, one cup mozzarella, parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper.

8 7

Using your hands roll into the amount you need for base and then put the ball in the middle and push out mixture until you make a circle

Bake for 12-15mins or until golden

6 5

Remove from oven and add your toppings – this is where you can freelance from vegetarian to meat pizzas

Cook for a further 10 mins or until the cheese has that perfect glow and brown shade

4 3

And there you go – low carb – delicious treat for you when you fancy a little naughtiness.

You can package it up for work the next day and serve with a side salad or save it for about 2-3 days in an air tight container in the fridge.

As it contains no nasties and all fresh ingredients its best not to leave it too long.


Balance/ Recipes

Guide to Wedding Guest Season

Wedding Season has begun.

Our diaries are populated throughout the spring/ summer with engagement parties, hen doo’s and weddings.

The first things that comes to mind when I get the invite is What to Wear and Wedding Gift.

This can be quite stressful – especially if you have more than one wedding and it’s the same group of friends.

This is my little guide to staying on it this season and without blowing the budget.

The Outfit

This is always hard for me because – guess what – it’s not ok to wear black to a wedding.

An occasion dress is like no other dress. It’s not partywear it’s not workwear. Its finding that graceful balance between the two.

My suggestion is to keep it simple and accessorize.
This means you can wear the same dress to a couple of weddings and mix up the shoes, bag and fascinator.

Monsoon is fantastic for jackets, fascinators and accessories to change the look of a dress.

Beautiful and really effective in dressing up a simple dress.

You have to make sure you are comfortable as Weddings are a long and often move from Church to Reception to Dancing – so plan ahead with those shoes.

My go -to’s for Weddings are: New Look and Louboutin ( I know a bit of a difference but they really make the comfiest shoes)

Dresses: House of Fraser, Monsoon, ASOS, Reiss.

 The Alternative Outfit

best friends hands

Now this is another great trick using the best network you have: Your Friends.

Team together with your best friends. If you have similar styles and shapes to your friends – then reach out – share! Everyone looks different in a dress so if your summer is choca block with Weddings and you’re saving for other occasions – then bring your network together use your resources!

Stylish and Saving money = win/win

Wedding Gifts

Gifting Etiquette

This is a tricky area. Most couples these days have already set up their homes so wedding lists are often to guide those who want to get them a gift but not end up with duplicates.

Again these can often be costly.

If you’re not sure what to buy the newlyweds: sometimes the token of a little bit of money in a card would be greatly appreciated to put toward the honeymoon or their new life together. Weddings are expensive and honeymoons too. Every little helps.

DIY Wedding Gifts

These are the cute touches you can do for someone special if you want to give a personal touch. Something homemade something original.

A close family relative is getting married this weekend and has strictly said no gifts. But I am bending the rules a little bit.

I have made her Wedding Breakfast Granola


Coconut Oil: 1tbsp
Oats: 400g
Coconut Milk: 200ml
Honey: 1tbsp
Cinnamon: Sprinkle across
Dried Fruit: Handful
Flaked Coconut: Handful
Edible Gold Dust


Preheat your oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

Melt the coconut oil, either in a small pan on a low heat or in the microwave. Combine the oats, rice milk, coconut oil and honey in a bowl and mix together using your hands. You want to create little chunks and the mixture will naturally stick together.

Spread the oat mixture evenly in the lined baking tray and bake in the heated oven for 20 minutes.

Spread the pecans on another baking tray and put into the oven to toast with the oat mixture for the last 10 minutes of the cooking time.

Remove the oats and pecans from the oven and leave to cool. Once cold, mix them together and add the cinnamon, fruit and flaked coconut.

Once the mixture is cooled – sprinkle edible gold dust all over the granola for that extra special touch.

Get a cute Kilner Jar and a nice label and you have a personal touch present that the happy couple can enjoy in together in their new lives together.


Spring Detox: Teami Teatox Diaries

Spring is here. It’s time to shake off that Winter baggage and get ready for the Summer months.

Spring is the perfect time to detox.

Dreaming of bikinis and beaches from my full time job – it’s become ever more clear that the tights and baggy jumpers which were acceptable in winter will now be replaced with skirts and short sleeves. Time to get Summer ready.

Over the Winter months we tend to pick heavier and richer foods to keep us nourished. The dark nights and cold weather keep us in doors and less active than we naturally are in the summer months.

This combination of heavy foods and less activity can often lead you to feel a little bit sluggish and bloated. Bloating is one of the worst afflictions you can have as it makes you feel unwell, rubbish and generally unattractive. Anything that can get rid of that feeling is a winner in my eyes.

In order to get the ball rolling I have taken on the 30 day teami detox!

I’m going to share with you my reviews and opinions throughout the detox. (Use my discount code: CYNTRA10)

Teami 30 day detox comes with two parts: The Teami Skinny and Teami Colon… (hate the names but give some clarity)

The Skinny Tea is a tea which you blend with hot water in a cute shaker you can buy from their site or in a tea infuser.

Its made up of a blend of Oolong, Yerba Mate, Lime leaf Extract, Lotus leaf, Ginger Root, Dandelion leaf, Rhubarb Root. I thought it may taste a little bit earthy when the bag arrived… something you may find the hippiest of folk drinking… however it has now taken the place of my morning espresso. (don’t worry I haven’t gone made I still have my morning hit of coffee around 10am)

The tea tastes good and you can sweeten it with honey or lemon but I haven’t felt the need to do this yet. Throughout the day you can top it up with hot water to re-use the leaves.

I have found it has reduced cravings and also is great after a meal mid afternoon to keep me relaxed. I am not sure if it is mind over matter but I don’t feel the need to snack in the afternoons since having this tea.

This is just the beginning of me using it – I will keep you updated through my detox.

The Colon Tea – what a pretty name. This tea is taken every other day of the detox. I am now going to put in a disclaimer. Careful with this one.

TeaMi describe the tea as “TeaMi Colon Cleanse Tea is used to purify the body from the inside out, cleansing the organs while simultaneously clearing the digestive tract of any toxins caused primarily by pollution, harsh chemicals and processed foods.” yes this means you will be taking a trip to the bathroom.

I endured terrible stomach cramps the first two times I tried this. I contacted Teami and they have assured me this is natural and this is my colon ridding itself of all the toxins. They said it should stop happening as I continue through the cleanse. I will let you know.

Bonus: Bloating has significantly diminished. It was great waking up and feeling fresh and ready to go.


banner23Tea Detox have been making headlines in the bloggers world for a while now. I think that they can work as long as they are used as part of a healthy workout plan.

1 Food – number 1 priority

2 Wellbeing – meditation, teas, relaxation

3 Exercise – keeping it all long and lean

Teami have come up with great recipes to support you while on your detox: Healthy Eating Plan

Incorporate this with a great HIIT Workout (click link)

And you will feel the best you can be by the time the Sunshine fully comes out!

Try your Teami Detox with a discount using this: CYNTRA10

Have you tried a teatox before? 

What did you think?

Would you recommend?



Healthy Easter Bunnies

Healthy Easter Bunnies

Easter is just around the corner and it is time to celebrate the end of lent and meet up with family. Easter weekend is the perfect weekend to spend with family and celebrate life but it is also the weekend that is also full of naughtiness with chocolate coming up to the eyeballs.

This year I am going to do something different.

Instead of chocolate, I am looking into healthy alternatives which are equally as indulgent.

So after some investigation I have selected two perfect alternatives:



Tabitha James Kraan



Bloomon cut out the middlemen, delivering straight from the grower to your home, in utterly modern, straight-to-vase arrangements.

They launched their flower delivery subscription service to London on the 4th February 2016. Spreading beautiful and unique flowers to us Londoners.

Bloomon began life in their hometown of Amsterdam, in the heartland of the flower-connoisseur. By using their own growers, Bloomon carefully select the best quality of flowers, they then use their own drivers to deliver fresher flowers that last longer.

Bloomon have created a delightful subscription where you can get these beautiful and original flowers delivered to your house without the hassle of sourcing them yourself. You can also order gorgeous vases that display the flowers magnificently. If you’re a flower lover like me then this is a no brainer. Each delivery is different and unique.

I just adore my blooming Bloomon Flowers.


Tabitha James Kraan

Tabitha James Kraan is a wonderful organic haircare brand that treats your hair with the natural love that it needs.

Her products span from haircare to skincare.

The products are designed to treat your hair with organic products – eliminating the chemicals you find in mainstream products. This helps keep the natural equilibrium of your hair and keep your locks luscious.

Their range is perfect for gym bunny’s as they have an amazing dry shampoo and hair perfume designed to keep your hair looking and feeling fresh – eliminating the need to wash it as often.

Believe or not – your hair is happier un-washed!

These products and gift sets are the perfect way to spread the love in the family – for both men and women. Tried and tested the hair oil transforms even the most prickly of beards into a soft and kissable chin.

Check out their gift sets on

Big smiles from my locks!


Easter doesn’t need to be the time you fill up on calories and spend huge amounts on chocolate. Do something different. Be original. Buy a lasting gift that puts a smile on someones face longer than chocolate does.

Or…treat yourself… spends the pounds you’ve saved on a treat for you.


Pukka: Healing with the Power of Herbs

Feeling Exhausted?

Are you tired?
No matter how much sleep you get its never enough?
Slow digestion?
Trouble starting the day without caffiene?

Do you find that everyday your life is getting more and more stressful, driven more and more by each coffee you have only to leave you feeling more exhausted?

Does this sound like you?

In 2015 – I was beginning to think something was wrong with me. I would get 8 hours sleep a night but when the alarm went off it felt like I had just run a marathon.

My mornings were made up of a couple of espresso’s and a flat white for good measure. People told me everyday that I looked tired…It was starting to get on top of me.

Until one day a radiant soul came up to me and asked me whether I had adrenal fatigue? 

I did my research and low and behold things started to make sense. My adrenals were in overdrive and everything I was doing to keep myself going was actually wearing them out even more.

A life sustained by caffeine was pushing my adrenals to the max.

I needed to make a change…

Thats when I got introduced to the power of herbs and started rectifying my old ways with new healing ways.

First things first: Caffeine

I really do. But it was time to make a change.

I reduced my coffee intake to one good coffee in the morning and swapped my other drinks to Pukka Serene Jasmine Green. This wonderful tea calmed my nerves while still providing me with a good ol caffeine hit without exhausting my adrenals.


I started using all of Pukka’s Range in exchange for my coffee and started realising how powerful these teas were to my wellbeing.

Detox  in the morning:

Three Ginger to vitalise during the day:

Post Dinner to help with digestion:

pukka night time tea

and snoozed into bed with Night Night Time

Each day I felt more energised and less and less was relying on coffee to give me that jolt in the morning. Instead I enjoyed my morning cup of lava and then sipped my way to herby health throughout the rest.

I no longer NEEDED it – and that was a freedom that I hadn’t felt in a long time.


Alongside the support from the teas I started taking Ashwagandha Morning and Night
Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing, has been used since ancient times for a wide variety of conditions, and is most well-known for its restorative benefits. It has traditionally been prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system after an illness.

If you suffer from:

Lack of energy
Difficulty concentrating

The use of the Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha can help alleviate these symptoms and support an energetic and rejuvenating sense of wellbeing.